Fix Boot Problems

If Windows will not start, Macrium Reflect provides a mechanism to ensure that everything is in order to allow your system to boot Windows.

To fix Windows boot issues,

  1. Select Fix Windows Boot Problems as highlighted above

  2. Reflect will then scan your system to determine which versions of Windows have been installed. Reflect may discover dual boot options

    Feel free to point Reflect at unfound installations using the Add button.
    Click Next

  3. Reflect then attempts to determine which partition should be used to boot from

    Again, feel free to change or set this if it appears to be incorrect by selecting and deselecting the check boxes against each partition.

  4. When fixing potential boot problems, Reflect performs a number of actions as detailed in the next dialog

    The various actions are explained in more detail below:



    Reset the boot disk ID

    Each disk has a unique identifier. However, if for some reason the ID is not unique on your system, there will be problems with booting.

    Replace the Master Boot Record

    The master boot record is fundamental to your system being able to boot correctly. If it has become corrupted, your system can not boot.

    Replace partition sector boot code

    The master boot record contains a reference to the partition sector boot code which in turn is used to boot Windows. If this has been corrupted Windows will not boot.

    Rebuild the Boot Configuration Database (BCD) and BOOT.INI files

    The BCD and BOOT.ini are required to enable the correct operating system on your disk(s) to boot correctly.

    Deselect any parts of the boot process you would not like Reflect to fix.

  5. When you are happy with all your selections, click Finish