MS-DOS Batch Files

The 'MS-DOS Batch Files' tab allows you to create, modify and manage your MS-DOS batch files using the MS-DOS Batch Files tab.

The window consists of a tool bar underneath which is a list of MS-DOS batch files. In this case, there is one - 'My Documents.bat'. The bottom pane shows the code for the batch file. There is also a tab that shows the referenced XML definition file.

To edit the MS-DOS batch file directly, right click on the code and select 'Edit'.

The Toolbar allows the following actions:



Opens a Windows Explorer window at the location of the selected MS-DOS batch file

Adds an existing MS-DOS batch file to the list. This is especially useful when importing legacy MS-DOS batch files

Edit the selected MS-DOS batch file. This outputs the MS-DOS batch file into a text editor

Removes the MS-DOS batch file from the list. This does not delete it from the disk

Run the MS-DOS batch file

Schedule the MS-DOS batch file to run automatically at a time of your choosing. See Schedule task

Create a Windows desktop shortcut

It is also possible to shortcut to some of these options by right-clicking on the MS-DOS batch file.